Our vision is to live in a world free from sexual violence.
Our vision is to live in a world free from sexual violence.
Our Mission is to provide a quality service to our community by delivering programs that address the impact and prevention of sexual violence.
Our Story So Far…
The Ballarat Centre Against Sexual Assault offers therapeutic support and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault and their non-offending family and friends.
The Ballarat Sexual Assault Clinic was originally established in Ballarat in 1983 in conjunction with the Ballarat Base Hospital and received State Government funding in 1984 to provide support to those who had been recently sexually assaulted. This led to the establishment of Ballarat CASA in 1995.
Our Continuing Story…
Ballarat CASA continues to provide trauma informed support to people of all genders across their lifespan in recovering from the impacts of sexual assault.
Our team has grown over the years, as has the range of services we offer, to meet the needs of our community.
The Ballarat CASA team is comprised of a number of qualified counsellors, as well as administrative workers.
Our experienced and qualified counsellors employ a variety of therapeutic approaches to maintain our aim of providing trauma informed support.
Our Ballarat CASA values are:

We value all people through compassionate collaboration by showing empathy and kindness

Work towards achieving connection via our qualities of honesty and using our voice with ethical professionalism. We are committed to using a supportive and authentic approach

Social Justice
Advocacy for change to promote growth

Grampians Health will be a trusted, progressive and innovative leader of regional and rural healthcare.
Ballarat CASA is a part of Grampians Health.
Grampians Health exists to serve our communities across the Grampians region, providing complete care as close as possible to people’s homes.
- Collaboration – We are stronger together
- Accountability – We do what we say and say what we do
- Innovation – We adapt and innovate to achieve best outcomes
- Respect – We appreciate and value all people
- Compassion – We show that we care
More on Grampians Health’s vision and values: